
Trebuie sa va familiarizati cu Regulamentul UE privind legalitatea lemnului sau sa va intensificati eforturile de a va aproviziona cu lemn din surse legale? Echipati-va cu abilitati si cunostinte solide prin inscrierea la unul din cursurile noastre internationale LegalSource de trei zile.

Acest curs este pentru dvs., daca controlati performanta pentru due diligence pe plan intern sau extern sau pur si simplu doriti sa aflati mai multe despre due diligence in practica. 


Continutul cursului

Aflati cum sa:

  • Efectuati evaluari de risc  
  • Selectati masurile adecvate de reducere a riscurilor
  • Evaluarea eficientei actiunilor de control a riscului
  • Evaluati performanta pentru due diligence

Instruirea se bazeaza pe sistemul nostru de Due Diligence LegalSource recunoscut de UE si include o introducere detaliata pentru toate componentele sistemului.

In plus pentru a obtine o imagine de ansamblu asupra principalelor reglementari privind piata lemnului, ex: EUTR, va veti familiariza cu aspectele importante de due diligence si veti obtine cunostinte aprofundate ale modului de abordare a acestora in practica.

Each day consists in a blend of lectures and numerous practical exercises based on real-world scenarios and examples. Group exercises help bring the theory to life and create a social and enjoyable atmosphere

Download the sample training agenda below. 


Who should attend?

TrainingThe course is relevant for anyone who needs a comprehensive understanding of timber laws such as the EUTR and related due diligence requirements.

These typically include companies trading in wood or paper products, national EU Competent Authorities, procurement agencies, consultants and NGOs working with forestry issues.


Your benefits  

CertificateYou will come away from the training equipped with  enhanced knowledge and competencies. Not to mention good memories of fast-paced and fun learning in a friendly and social setting!

At the end of the training, you will go through an exam to help you gauge and confirm the level of skills you have acquired. Our LegalSource auditors are required to pass this examination.

If you pass the exam, you will receive a training certificate as a visual token of recognition for your due diligence competencies. 




How to participate

Our regular, open LegalSource Expert courses are conducted in the English language. The course is typically organised in Eastern Europe, Spain and Southeast Asia. Choose the location and time that fits you best.