Expanding the Soy Moratorium to Brazil’s Cerrado
Because only 19.8% of undisturbed native tropical savanna remains in Brazil’s Cerrado, conversion of the remaining habitat is a major threat to biodiversity. More than 4800 endemic plant and vertebrate species in the Cerrado could become extinct in the coming decades unless additional conservation measures are taken.Science Mag, 17 July 2019
Brazil, Soy, soy moratorium, cerrado, native vegetation
Environmentalists put more pressure on Cargill to slow forest-to-farm movement in Brazil
Environmental groups want the Minnetonka, Minn.-based grain trader and food processor to intervene in the clearing of habitats in the Cerrado region of central and southern Brazil, particularly for soybean production, as it did previously in the Amazon region in that country's north.Phys.org, 16 July 2019
Brazil, Soy, cerrado, native vegetation
Environmentalists put more pressure on Cargill to slow forest-to-farm movement in Brazil
Environmental groups want the Minnetonka, Minn.-based grain trader and food processor to intervene in the clearing of habitats in the Cerrado region of central and southern Brazil, particularly for soybean production, as it did previously in the Amazon region in that country's north.Phys.org, 16 June 2019
Brazil, Soy, cerrado, native vegetation
Cargill pledges more cash to fight deforestation after admitting industry target unlikely to be met
US agri-food giant Cargillhas admitted that a goal to end deforestation by 2020 is unlikely to succeed.Just-Food, 14 June 2019
Brazil, Soy, cerrado
Brazilian hunger for meat fattened on soy is deforesting the Cerrado: report
The Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna, covers over 20 percent of the nation’s territory, but it is seeing severe deforestation. A recent report uncovered links between municipalities with the highest levels of deforestation and with significant soy production.South Africa Today, 17 January 2019
Brazil, Soy, Timber, Beef, deforestation, cerrado