In 2018, Cameroon headed the Top10 wood suppliers to Vietnam
Cameroon headed the top10 of Vietnam’s wood suppliers in 2018, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) reveals in its sectoral report covering the June 16-30, 2019 period. Let’s note that despite the FLEGT (Forest Law for Enforcement, Governance and Trade) regulation deemed more stringent on the origin of wood imported by the European Union, this common area remained the leading destination for Cameroonian woods in 2018. China came second according to figures published by the ITTO.Business in Cameroon, 03 July 2019
Cameroon, Viet Nam, Europe, Timber, ITTO, FLEGT
The Honduran government and the EU have approved Honduras’s FLEGT VPA 2019 annual operation plan
The Honduran government and the EU have approved Honduras’s FLEGT VPA 2019 annual operation plan and latest reports are that there is widespread support for the agreement, particularly in terms of levels of participation and engagement of the wider population. The Honduran government and the EU have approved Honduras’s FLEGT VPA 2019 annual operation plan and latest reports are that there is widespread support for the agreement, particularly in terms of levels of participation and engagement of the wider population.FLEGT, 01 June 2019
Europe, Timber, FLEGT
FLEGT’s profile in promotion and marketing is low relative to certification
IMM’s latest study on EU wood promotion revealed that Europe’s timber and wood products sector has stepped up the level of its marketing and advertising activity and the clarity, cohesion and effectiveness of its communications in recent years.FLEGT, 30 May 2019
Europe, Timber, FLEGT
VPA/FLEGT between EU and Vietnam to take effect on June 1, 2019
Starting from June 1, Vietnam could export only verified legal timber products to the European Union (EU) markets as the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLECT) would officially enter into force.Agroberichten Buitenland , 27 May 2019
Viet Nam, Europe, Timber, FLEGT
Vietnam & EU sign agreement on legal timber trade
The Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Vietnam and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held a joint meeting on May 8 to announce the approval and ratification of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT).Vietnam & EU sign agreement on legal timber trade, 10 May 2019
Viet Nam, Europe, Timber, FLEGT