Retailers should use their power to push brands towards sustainable palm oil
Recently, a number of retailers have made a great deal of their own-label certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) policies in order to bolster their sustainability credentials.The Grocer reports, 05 June 2019
Asia, Palm Oil, Palm oil
Govt aims to add 25,000 ha under oil palm plantations in 2019-20
The government plans to add 25,000-ha area under oil palm plantations in 2019-20 (Apr-Mar) to the existing 325,000 ha to boost production of palm oil in the country, a senior government official told Cogencis.Cogencis, 20 May 2019
Asia, Palm Oil, south asia
Study examines forest loss in Mekong region
Dramatic forest degradation and loss in the Greater Mekong region have both their causes and potential solutions rooted in forest governance, according to a recent publication by researchers from the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), the University of British Columbia, and WWF.Asia Times , 16 May 2019
Asia, Timber, Illegal logging
‘Palm oil is a deal-braker for EU-ASEAN trade relations’
Teresa Kok, Malaysia’s Minister of Primary Industries, visited Brussels and other European capitals this week in a last-ditch effort to kill new EU rules that will ban the use of palm oil in biofuels – a measure European adopted because of concerns about deforestation.Euractiv , 10 May 2019
Asia, Europe, Palm Oil, biofuel
Most communities in Borneo not seeing promised oil palm payoff, study finds
Palm oil companies dangle the promise of a better quality of life for people in rural villages where they develop plantations, but is this really happening?Eco-Business , 07 May 2019
Asia, Palm Oil, community