UK supermarkets implicated in Amazon deforestation supply chain
A report from the UK organization Earthsight finds that UK supermarket chains — including Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrisons and Lidl — are still importing corned beef from Brazil’s largest beef producer, JBS, despite the company being implicated in a long string of corruption and illegal deforestation scandals over the last decade.Mongabay, 13 June 2019
Brazil, United Kingdom, Beef, Brazil, south america, Beef, UK
Bolsonaro administration launches operation to tackle illegal logging in the Amazon
Brazil’s environmental protection agency IBAMA has launched its biggest-ever operation to tackle illegal logging that is accelerating Amazon deforestation amid a surge in tree-felling since President Jair Bolsonaro took office.Merco Press , 07 June 2019
Brazil, Timber, Brazil, Illegal logging, Brazilian Amazonia, Bolsonaro, south america
Amazon Deforestation Rising Under Brazil’s Bolsonaro
Last month, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil lost trees at the fastest rate in 10 years. And experts blame activity by illegal loggers, who are helped by the easing of environmental protections under President Jair Bolsonaro.Voice of America , 06 June 2019
Brazil, Timber, illegal timber trade, Bolsonaro, Timber, Beef, Soy, south america, deforestation
Can banks in Beijing stop deforestation in the Amazon?
New report calls for a rethink from financial institutions as deforestation linked to Chinese soy imports increases.Dialogo Chino , 04 June 2019
Brazil, China, Soy, Brazilian Amazonia, Beef, China, deforestation, Brazil, south america