Alexander works as a forest management auditor for Preferred by Nature in Ukraine.
The development of human society in harmony with nature is the only way for the prosperity of our planet. I want to make my own personal contribution along this way by working with Preferred by Nature.
Alexander graduated from the Biology Department of Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.
After graduating from postgraduate degree at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration, he worked at the institute for more than 20 years; most recently as a researcher in the forest monitoring and certification laboratory.
He is a local expert in FSC certification and auditing in Ukraine, since 2016.
Alexander joined Preferred by Nature in January 2019.
- МА in Biology
- Participation in projects related to sustainable forest management and forest certification in Ukraine
- Experience in preparing Ukrainian Forestry Enterprises for FSC certification
- FSC Forest Management auditing
- Languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English