Responsible soy production: Sustainability certifier updates accreditation requirements for supply chain transparency
The sustainability certifier Round Table Responsible Soy (RTRS) has updated its accreditation and certification requirements for responsible soy production (Version 4.2). The update is part of RTRS’s ongoing “commitment to continuous improvement,” and will increase mass balance volumes that will be available for the market, as stated by the organization. The new version makes it mandatory for all producers certified by the organization to include the scope of physical flow of sourced soy (soy sold through traditional sales channels) in the audit Chain of Custody Requirements for Producers by 2020.Food Ingredients First, 02 July 2019
, Soy, RTRS, sustainable soy
Financial measures to support deforestation-free sustainable agriculture: RTRS conference highlights and Cargill pledges
The Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS) annual two-day conference took place earlier this week at the headquarters of Rabobank in Utrecht; the focus again was on boosting demand for responsible soy, but also on what financial markets can do in this respect.Feed Navigator, 13 June 2019
Brazil, Soy, RTRS, sustainable soy
Platform aims to increase UK’s supplies of sustainable soy
Several regional platforms are materializing across Europe, alongside the global Roundtable for Responsible Soy (RTRS), to encourage domestic retailers and traders to buy only responsibly sourced soy.Feed Navigator, 29 January 2019
Brazil, United Kingdom, Soy, RTRS, Sustainable sourcing